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Institutional Aid

Fresno Pacific University provides numerous financial aid options including scholarships and grants. Eligibility differs, so please consult with your Student Financial Services advisor about the scholarships and grants you may be eligible for.

Awards listed below reflect the current academic year and are subject to change.

Scholarships & Grants

Traditional Undergraduate

Academic Awards

For incoming freshmen, all academic awards will be awarded for a maximum of four years. They are based on a student’s 9-12 cumulative GPA on a weighted, 4.0 scale.

NameRequirementsAward Amounts
Paragon ScholarshipFPU's top academic award. Students receiving the President's Scholarship are eligible to apply. Scholarships are awarded based on academic record, leadership and community involvement. Applications due by January 2. Participation in the Paragon program, enrollment in the Perspectives in Leadership class and residency is required if selected.Full tuition
President's Scholarship4.00 GPA and above. Enrollment in Perspectives in Leadership is required. Awarded based on academic record.$18,000
Dean's Scholarship3.75-3.99 GPA. Awarded based on academic record.$16,000
Heritage Scholarship3.50-3.74 GPA. Awarded based on academic record.$14,000
Faculty Scholarship3.25-3.49 GPA. Awarded based on academic record.$12,000
Director's Scholarship3.00-3.24 GPA$10,000
Founder's GrantBelow a 3.0 GPA. Awarded based on academic record.$8,000

For transfer students, academic award will be awarded for a maximum of four years. This may vary depending on individual student transfer totals. Students must be enrolled in a traditional undergraduate program at FPU. Degree Completion programs are not eligible. Awarded to transfer students who have attained 12 or more transferable, post high school units. GPA’s are based on transferable units and calculated by FPU.

NameRequirementsAward Amounts
Transfer Scholar Award3.50 GPA and above. Enrollment in Perspectives in Leadership is required.$14,000
Transfer Achievement Award3.0-3.49 GPA$12,000
Transfer Academic Award2.40-2.99 GPA$9,000
Transfer Partnership GrantBelow a 2.40 GPA$6,000

Talent-Based Awards

NameRequirementsAward Amounts
Music ScholarshipAwarded based on audition. 2.0 GPA required. Continued participation in music at Fresno Pacific University is required.Amounts vary
Theater ScholarshipAwarded based on audition. 2.0 GPA required. Continued participation in theater at Fresno Pacific University is required.Amounts vary
Art/Design ScholarshipAwarded based on portfolio. 2.0 GPA required. Continued participation in art/design at Fresno Pacific University is required.Amounts vary
Athletic ScholarshipAwarded based on tryout with team. 2.0 GPA and continued participation in intercollegiate athletics required.Amounts vary

Other Awards

These institutional awards will be awarded for a maximum of four years, depending on individual student's eligibility.

NameRequirementsAward Amounts
Church Match ScholarshipFPU will match 2:1 the amount provided by your church up to $500/semester for churches belonging to the Pacific District of Mennonite Brethren Churches. FPU will match 1:1 up to $250/semester for all other churches. Church Match Scholarship policy.Amounts vary
Fresno Pacific GrantInstitutional aid designed to provide financial support to students based on their individual needs and circumstances. Each student’s situation is assessed comprehensively, considering factors such as financial need, academic merit, and housing arrangements.Amounts Vary
Mennonite Brethren AwardAwarded yearly to students attending and in good standing at a Mennonite Brethren Church. Proof of attendance may be required.$4,000
Out of State Student ScholarshipAwarded yearly to Non-Athlete/Non-Cal Grant receiving students.$4,000
Private Donor ScholarshipsAwards made available by private donors to FPU.Amounts vary
Program Specific ScholarshipsYou may qualify for individual program scholarships based on availability and program of interest.Amounts vary

Degree Completion

NameRequirementsAward Amounts
Church Match ScholarshipFPU will match 2:1 the amount provided by your church up to $500/semester for churches belonging to the Pacific District of Mennonite Brethren Churches. FPU will match 1:1 up to $250/semester for all other churches. Church Match Scholarship policy.Amounts vary
Private Donor ScholarshipsAwards made available by private donors to FPU.Amounts vary
Program Specific ScholarshipsYou may qualify for individual program scholarships based on availability and program of interest.Amounts vary


NameRequirementsAward Amounts
Church Match ScholarshipFPU will match 2:1 the amount provided by your church up to $500/semester for churches belonging to the Pacific District of Mennonite Brethren Churches. FPU will match 1:1 up to $250/semester for all other churches. Church Match Scholarship policy.Amounts vary
Graduate GrantThis grant is for all graduate students with the exception of students enrolled in the School of Education and the Biblical Seminary. Print the applicationAmounts Vary
Private Donor ScholarshipsAwards made available by private donors to FPU.Amounts vary
Program Specific ScholarshipsYou may qualify for individual program scholarships based on availability and program of interest.Amounts vary
School of Education Graduate GrantThis grant is specifically for students pursuing their graduate degree within the School of Education. (Visit and choose the "School of Ed Grant Application" tile)Amounts vary
Sunbird Graduate School of BusinessThis scholarship is available to qualifying FPU graduates interested in pursuing their master's degree. Choose from two business graduate level programs - MBA and M.A. Strategic and Organizational Leadership. Take the next step in your education and advance career.Your tuition costs will be waived for one course during
your first semester and one course during your last semester.

Biblical Seminary

NameRequirementsAward Amounts
Seminary Student Fellowship GrantThis grant is applied to every incoming Seminary student and will remain with the student for their duration of time in the seminary program. The grant is awarded based on enrollment for Fall, Spring and Summer. Student not eligible at less than half time status.Amounts vary by unit load
Seminary Student Academic FellowshipThis honors scholarship is applied to all incoming students who enter the program with a 3.25 GPA or higher. Student not eligible at less than half time status.Amounts Vary by unit load
Mennonite, Mennonite Brethren & BIC Denominational DiscountStudents attending and in good standing at a Mennonite, Mennonite Brethren or BIC Church will receive 25% off their tuition, regardless of unit enrollment. The 25% discount does not apply to fees. A formal letter from the church affirming the student's good standing within the church must be submitted to Student Financial Services each year.Amounts vary
Church Match ScholarshipFPU will match 2:1 a donation of up to $750/year or $250/semester from churches belonging to the Pacific District of Mennonite Brethren Churches. FPU will match donations 1:1 for all other churches not in the Pacific District Conference. 
Church Match Scholarship policy
Amounts vary
Private Donor ScholarshipsAwards made available by private donors to FPU.Amounts vary
Photo of Alexandra Green

Alexandra Green


The grants, the academic awards, the transfer scholarship – all of it makes it so much more affordable to attend FPU. I know that school isn’t cheap for anyone, but FPU helped me realize that I could actually come to this school because they were going to help me so much financially.