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Satisfactory Academic Progress

Fresno Pacific University is required to establish standards for measuring Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for students to be eligible for Title IV aid in accordance with the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended by Congress.

A student must meet the requirements of the SAP policy to be eligible for federal, state and institutional financial aid assistance at Fresno Pacific. The information below will provide you with a general overview of the policy. For complete Satisfactory Academic Policy details, please review our complete SAP Policy.

View SAP Policy

What is Satisfactory Academic Progress?

SAP has 3 components you must meet in order to retain your eligibility for financial aid. You are held to this standard regardless of whether you have received financial aid in the past. The 3 categories are:

1. Grade Point Average (Qualitative)

2. Completion Rate/PACE (Quantitative)

3. Maximum Timeframe

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Eligibility to enroll for classes does not mean that Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements have been met. 

How am I notified?

Satisfactory Academic Progress is monitored at the end of each term and students will receive an email to their FPU email address regarding their status for the upcoming term. Students meeting the GPA and PACE components of the SAP policy are considered to be in good standing and retain their aid eligibility (except as noted below).

You will be placed on financial aid warning if you were meeting the requirements in the prior term but are now not meeting the GPA or PACE measures of this policy. If you are on financial aid warning, you may continue to receive financial aid for one term. If you fail to meet the SAP standards by the end of your warning term you will be placed in an ineligible status. If you have an ineligible status you will be sent notification that future financial aid disbursements will be terminated. Students in the following status at any time will become ineligible for financial aid:

  • Exceeded maximum time frame for degree.

You may submit an appeal for review of your circumstances to reinstate your financial aid eligibility.

How can I appeal?

A disqualification letter will be sent to your FPU email containing a link to the appeal and documentation. For your appeal to be considered, you must submit the required documentation within the given time frame. Please review the form and submit the documentation appropriate to your reason for appealing. It is also important to meet with your academic advisor prior to submitting the appeal.

In some cases, you will be required to have an academic plan created for you in EdPlan by your advisor. In any case, it is good practice to check in frequently with your academic advisor to be sure you are on track to graduate.

If your GPA/PACE appeal is approved, you will be placed on Probation and be required to complete an Academic Plan with your advisor. You will continue to receive aid for 1 semester. If you fail to meet the terms of your academic plan during the semesters you are on Probation, you will become ineligible for financial aid and be disqualified and withdrawn from the university. If you meet the terms of the SAP policy while on Probation, you will be placed back in Good Standing.  

For a Maximum Timeframe Appeal we will need to know the total number of remaining credits you must take to achieve your first Bachelor's degree, and those courses must be included in an Academic Plan from your advisor as part of your appeal. We cannot consider coursework needed to earn a minor or double major for a Maximum Timeframe extension. If additional credits are granted, you will be ineligible for financial aid once those credits have been attempted, regardless of the grade earned. Appealing more than once for additional credits requires extenuating circumstances, and a great deal of documentation for consideration.

Frequently Asked Questions