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Affinity Groups

Affinity Groups

Part of the College Hour programming, Affinity groups are smaller groups of students united around a shared identity, such as men, women, athletes or culture/ethnic background. Current Affinity groups at FPU include: FCA (athletes), Delight (women’s ministry), Fellaship (men’s ministry), Haven (LGBTQ+ students), Catholic Student Gatherings and ethnic-based groups for Latino\Hispanic and Black students.

Students who identify as part of these respective affinity groups can connect with others for community and encouragement!

If you are interested in leading one of these Affinity Group, please check out the job description and apply here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. When do Affinity Groups meet?

Affinity groups meet at various times throughout the week. Some might meet weekly, others meet every other week. For a current schedule of Affinity Groups and their meeting times, please download the Involve App or check out the specific Affinity Group's info here.

Q. Who provides leadership to Affinity Groups?

Student leaders provide leadership to Affinity Groups under the direction of the Office of Spiritual Formation (OSF) and the Intercultural Learning Center (ILC). OSF and ILC provide resources each semester for affinity groups to provide food or other resources needed to support the group.

Q. How are Affinity Groups different than clubs?

Clubs are groups of students with shared interests and can be started by any student under the direction of Student Government Association. Clubs are listed here.

Q. What do Affinity Groups do? 

The primary purpose of affinity groups is to gather students with shared identity and life-experiences in a way that helps facilitate community, friendship, and other resources. This might look like meeting for casual conversation, bible study, connecting with other staff, faculty, or community members that also belong to that group, or participating in a life-giving activity together. Affinity groups also might provide other opportunities for service or weekend retreats.

Q. Can Affinity Groups be associated with outside organizations?

Yes, we are willing to work with outside organizations with the establishment of a mutually beneficial MOU.